December 25, 2014

Christmas et al

It’s Christmas but what are you doing NYE?

It’s Christmas (or if you don't celebrate Christmas, it's that day when every stores are closed and you can’t do anything anywhere with anyone). While my mother went off to church to repent for all my agnostic sins, I sat on our rugged piano chair thinking over my year. This year, 2014, the year of horse. Man it was one tough year. I moved to Senior Haus (an ‘alternative’ dorm, some say at MIT), made whole new set of friends, got my butt kicked taking classes I had no prereqs for (turns out Algorithms isn’t a joke), contemplated changing my major four times, decided I don't want to live the impoverished grad student life, quit work at the Olsen Lab, realized my incompatibility with the oil industry, reverted to pursue my Ph.D, and barely made out of the Junior Fall semester. So overall, happy to welcome 2015. 

While somehow this Christmas was the most uneventful yet for the Parks (dad couldn't make it from Korea as he visited only a few weeks ago, it was too late to put up the tree, and everyone agreed that cash allowances are preferred over presents), Clara (my sister) and I managed to be productive enough to make this little video. May be it’s much to early in the game, but I thought I'd ask just the same: What are you doing New Year’s Eve?

December 21, 2014

First Entry

Thus begin my cyber journal

While there isn't much to update about my life, I got to start somewhere with these cyber journal postings. So here it is, my post of all my memorable pictures for past twenty years (although truth be told, most of these pictures are from past year or two; not necessarily because I had too mundane a life before college but rather because that’s around when I got my current camera, Canon 6D)

May be difficult to tell from this tiny selection, but few things notable about my photos are that 1. most of them are of my beautiful, beautiful friends 2. many are from my travels

So there it is, my first post. Goodness, my life is so easily put on a single website.
